For example, hold Alt then type 0225 on numeric keypad will insert “á”.
When pressed simultaneously with a key, it invoke a command directly.For example, pressing (and releasing) Alt by itself will activate the graphical menu, then the user can press a alphabetic key to invoke a menu command or use arrow keys to navigate the menu.Īlt e c invokes the copy command in edit menu, in Notepad and most other Microsoft Windows apps. The Alt key in MS Windows has several different uses: ⌥ option on Apple keyboard and Alt on PC keyboards both send the same USB scancode.
Where is control button on mac mac os x#
Mac OS X by default supports emacs basic cursor movement keybindings.ĭelete current position to end of line Ctrl+ y For example,Ĭtrl+ ⌘ command+ 1 show bookmarks sidebar. When used, it is as a modifier in combination with other modifier keys. The Control key under Mac is rarely used. Copy is ⌘ command+ c, Paste is ⌘ command+ v. On the Mac, Command key is used for keyboard shortcuts. For example, Copy is Ctrl+ c, Paste is Ctrl+ v.
The Control Key in Windows is used for keyboard shortcuts.
On Apple keyboard, you have Ctrl, ⌥ option (alt/option), ⌘ command (command) keys.Ĭontrol Ctrl ( ⌃), ⌥ option (Alt), ⌘ commandĬontrol Key Control Key in Microsoft Windows On the PC keyboard, you have the Ctrl (Control key), ❖ Window (Windows logo key), Alt (alternate key). This page discuss differences between Apple Keyboard and Windows keyboard.